How to: Send a Risk in RSA Archer to RiskLens for quantification

How to: Send a Risk in RSA Archer to RiskLens for quantification

Create a Risk Assessment in RiskLens from Risk Register

User: Archer End User

  1. Populate the Risk Register record with your risk.

  2. Select the Assessment Approach field value as Quantitative Survey.

  3. In Assessment Method field, select RiskLens Quantitative Analysis.

    1. The Qualitative Survey and RiskLens Analysis sections display in the Risk Analysis tab.

  4. In the Status field, select Active.

    1. Note: Inherent and Residual Risk does not calculate until the status is set to Active.

  5. Complete the Qualitative Survey section.


  6. Click Save.

    1. The Inherent Risk gets populated.

  7. In the RiskLens Analysis section, in the RiskLens Syncup field, select Yes.

  8. Click Save.

    1. The scheduled data feed creates the Risk Assessment in RiskLens and updates the related RSA Archer Risk Register record with the Subscription ID and RiskLens Assessment URL.

    2. The RiskLens risk assessment sets the Name as a combination of the Archer Risk ID and Risk Name.

    3. The Purpose is set as the Archer Risk Description.

Note: The RiskLens risk assessment accepts 200 characters in the Name field and 1,000 characters in the Purpose field. Risk Register record data that exceeds the character limit is truncated in the RiskLens fields.

After RiskLens creates the risk assessment, the risk register record updates as follows:


Generate RiskLens Analysis Results for the Risk Register

Record User: Archer End User

After the data feed creates the risk assessment, perform the following steps in RiskLens.

  1. For the RiskLens risk assessment, create the needed scenarios with the relevant assets.

  2. Run the analysis.


  3. In the ellipses menu, select the Set as Current option for the analysis results. The scheduled data feed updates the Archer Risk Register record with the latest RiskLens analysis results.

Note: The RiskLens Syncup field in the Risk Register record must be set to “Yes” for the scheduled data feed to work.

Congratulations! You’ve finished your Assessment.

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