FAQ - Archer RiskLens integration

FAQ - Archer RiskLens integration


Q: What is the RSA Archer Integration?

This RSA Archer RiskLens integration provides opportunity to incorporate RiskLens quantification results into RSA’s Archer GRC for use in Enterprise Risk Management programs. 

It consists of 3 parts

  1. A package to be installed in the Archer GRC application. This package is available in the Archer Exchange, accessible from within Archer.

  2. An API in the RiskLens application. This feature is automatically enabled in every RiskLens implementation.

  3. An API client in the RiskLens Administration application. This feature allows customer to register their Archer Integration with RiskLens and obtain identification credentials so that RiskLens will respond to requests.

Q: What benefit does the RSA Archer Integration convey to customers?

This function eliminates double-data entry by automatically transferring Assessment results to Archer from RiskLens. It also allows all Risks to be managed in the RSA Archer GRC application, ensuring alignment of the two systems. A more comprehensive set of Assessment results have been provided through this updated integration, to include the 50,000 Monte Carlos simulations for each Scenario, eliminating the need to request them from RiskLens as a support ticket.

Automatically providing these results into Archer enables seamless transition from Analysis activities to Reporting and other workflows within the Enterprise Risk Management program.

Q: Who should I contact for more information?

Customers are encouraged to contact thier RSA Archer Account Manager for all questions relating to the Integration, including technical questions or issues.

Q: When will the integration be available?

RSA has released the application. It can be downloaded from the RSA Exchange’s RiskLens Integration page.

Q: much does the RSA Archer Integration cost?

This application is free of charge, including configuration support services. There is no cost relating to using the API, such as transaction or data fees.  RSA and RiskLens encourage all customers using both Archer GRC and RiskLens to consider installing the integration. This is the first in a series of releases that will increasingly integrate and automate the quantification of Risk into the Enterprise Risk Management program..

Q: Where can I find instructions to install the integration?

Installation instructions are available on the RSA Archer Exchange accessible from within your Archer applicaton, or you may find them in the “About RiskLens API” page <inert public-facing Confluence page here>.

Q: How does the integration change the Analyst’s workflow?

This feature provides the following integrated workflow to support Analysts:

  1. Mark a Risk in the Archer GRC Risk register with the “Quantification” flag.

  2. Open the RiskLens application, locate and open the Assessment that was automatically created for the Risk.

  3. Complete the scenario scoping and preferred workshop.

  4. Run the Assessment.

  5. Return to the Archer RSA application and find the Assessment’s results which have been automatically updated.

NOTE: The automatic transfer of Risks from Archer to RiskLens and the Assessment results from RiskLens to Archer occurs on a regularly scheduled cadence, every 4 hours. This integration does not provide an ad-hoc or on-demand transfer of data.

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